Thanksgiving day my mom surprised me by taking the leftovers and making turkey noodle soup with great grandma Afton's noodle recipe (which the kids helped her make) and then we just vegged out the rest of the day (mom and I didn't even bother to get out of our jammies).
Soon my dad and his wife came over after spending their Thanksgiving with my Uncle Bob and everyone in Vale. It was nice seeing him and Kitty and while they were here I took a few snaps of them and of dad and his dad with the grandbabies.
(before this pic was snapped Ruth was asleep on her papa's lap!)
(I just love the color Kitty chose for her hair color and the cut is super cute!)

(aren't they a cute couple)

(Ruth with her grandma Kitty)

(can you believe there are 4 generations sitting in my livingroom!)
Soon it was the next day and mom and dad had to get back on the road and head out to their house. They left super early in the morning and even though I was tired I was in a good frame of mind to snap a few pictures of them with the grandkids. MJ even cooperated and didn't fuss too much!

(don'tcha just love that Ceasar is watching them all grouped up)
It was awesome to see my mom and dad and it was great that the weather cooperated so they could make it out. This was the first delivery that I didn't have my mom in the room with me and it made me sad she couldn't be there for it but I was glad she got to make the trip out and see MJ while she was still little. I wish my mom and dad lived closer and hope that when she finishes nursing school she can find a job close to me so I can see them more often. I miss them something fierce.
It sure did lift my spirits though and I know that will keep me going til the next time I can see them. The holiday's are never the same without having family around.