Tuesday, November 27, 2007

{Kids all off}

I just got the boys off to school and Ruth is eating her breakfast and here I sit in front of the computer contemplating what chores I am going to do this morning before Sam comes home from preschool. I have laundry that needs washed & folded, dishes that need washed and dried, floors that need swept and vacumed and a bedroom that needs attention, not to mention a bathroom and little boys room that both need a cleaning as well. Gosh I have alot of stuff to do! Haha, not really but it sure looks like it when I list it all out huh.

William is up at Ft. Lewis doing his medical board stuff, he's going to be gone all week. I watched Heros without him last night and it wasn't as much fun without him next to me. I can never sleep when he's not home, but I do get alot of stuff done while he's gone. At least as much as I can get done with a little girl attached to my hip. When William is gone the kids become clingy especially Ruth.

It got super cold last night, rained here but they got snow in the gorge starting at Multnomah Falls and making it's way down I-84 and other highways that are remote. I really wish it would stay above 50 degrees but I know thats not really going to happen - mid 30's is what is predicted for this whole week for the nights and early 40's for the days - cloud cover, no sun and early darkness are all kinda depressing. Bring me back the fall, it was cold but nothing like this. Brrrrrrrr it's cold. I need to get some more space heaters - at least 3 more. Our apartment only has wall heaters and they are not efficient and cost alot in electric to use at all. With Space heaters during the winter I am saving about $60 every month - and this way I can have my furniture where I want it and not be forced to put it somewhere else because of where baseboard heaters are located. I can't wait until we can move from this apartment.

Well I had better get to cleaning - I only have 2 hours until Sam is back home. I think today we will make some ornaments for the tree...if not today definatly tomorrow.

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