Saturday, November 6, 2010

{Weight Loss Weigh in: Week 36}

It's so weird, it's been just over 2 weeks since I had MJ. Time just seems to be flying! I can't believe what a great journey I have been on since starting these weight loss posts, (mind you these were started a week or two before I found out I was pregnant with MJ).

I have learned better eating habits and have implemented them into my regular life and this hasn't been a struggle like I thought it would be since my mentality has always been making "life style" changes and not being on a diet. I haven't denied myself and I haven't over indulged either. It's been a great learning how to balance it all, plus I have been able to share my knowledge with my kids and show them what's right and what's wrong and how everything in moderation is a good thing and going overboard on anything isn't so good. They are still working on the balance part and moderation part but it's starting to sink in.

I weighed myself today and couldn't believe my weight loss! My total weight loss and what I have to lose are exactly the same!! I am half way to my goal weight!! I am super excited!! (if you couldn't tell by my excessive use of the apostrophe)

Below is a picture I took of my kids with my cell phone on halloween. We just stayed in and watched "8 legged Freaks" and it was awesome! My hubby and I make the cutest kids, (even if I do say so myself - we got some cutie pies for sure - I know I am going to have some trouble when they start dating).

(this was taken on Halloween w/my cell phone - aren't my babies cute!)

Below is my current weight and progress - I am super excited by my progress!!!!!!

Current Weight: 271 pounds

Weight loss/gain: - 11 pounds

Total Weight loss: 34 pounds 

Weight still to lose: 34 pounds to go


  1. Congrats!!! And I agree about the amazingly cute kiddos!

  2. oh my heavens!!! they are so are truly blessed!!!

  3. ok tell me more about your diet...what are you doing? I need to lose some weight too!!!


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