Friday, June 11, 2010

{Weight Loss Weigh In: Week 15}

This week has been a good one. I have been applying my eating habits not only at home but when we do decide to eat out. I have been watching my portions and making much better food choices (especially at the buffets). I have also been trying to get the kids out more and in the process I am doing more outdoors.

Sure this past week I made a cake (which I only had the smallest of pieces with ice cream) and sure we had lunch at the buffet and yeah I had pizza too but I knew when to stop eating. Which is a huge deal for me. It's like the light bulb went off and I had an "ah ha" moment.

I know that the progress I am making in eating more healthy and knowing that I don't have to deny myself just keep my portions in check, I can lose weight in a very healthy way, even while pregnant. Which is just awesome! I am not denying myself or the baby and because of my healthier choices I know not only am I reaping the benefits but so is my growing babe.

So anyways, below is my progress for the past week. I lost 3 pounds and I am happy about it. I know when I stay on track things happen and not only do I feel better but I know the babe does too, (by the way, I have been feeling babe move around in my tummy more and more! I can't believe I am already 1/2 way thru the 18th week. Next week I find out the gender of my babe so I can refer to it as a he or a she!!).

Current Weight: 290 pounds

Weight loss: - 3 pounds

Total Weight loss: 15 pounds 

Weight still to lose: 56 pounds to go

1 comment:

  1. You're doing an awesome job! I'm so impressed! I can't believe you're almost halfway thru your pregnancy. Wow! Keep up the good work!


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