I want to work on my goals for this year a little differently then I did on my goals for last year, (I totally sucked on my goals!).
HERE (2009) and HERE (2008) are the posts on my Goals for 2009 & 2008...
My Business goals for 2009 were mostly met, instead of getting a brand new D300 I got a back up D200 & I got new straps for both & I did pick up the crumpler bag, in red! I didn't get the fisheye like I wanted but I did get another 2.8 lens that is a varied focal length. I still need to work on marketing myself here in Idaho, maybe now that I am getting settled I can get back on track business wise.
My personal Goals for 2009 were a struggle. I didn't lose any weight, but I did buy a treadmill. I did try for baby number 4 and instead of a baby got two miscarriages. Got our debt wiped out with the exception of our car & 2 student loans (they will be paid off this year!) I did get better with my visit teaching, once I had the right companion & I did make friends with the woman in my old ward. I miss them oodles. (you know who you are!) I didn't learn to sew, or even get a sewing machine & I never did find that sitter so William & I could start back up date nights...But we did move in 2009 & even though it went out with a soft hush, 2010 should be a great new journey.
2010 Goals:
1. Lose weight (60 pounds at least over the course of the year!)
2. Start sewing (buy a sewing machine)
3. Get to know the people in our new ward
4. Prepare myself to home school the kids for the school year 2010-2011
5. Start baking bread on a more regular basis (simple I know, but it's been hard to get back into the routine)
6. Create a more realistic schedule and stick to it
7. Have "Date Night" with hubby again, (should be easier since Gary & Sarah are with us, they have offered to watch the kids - at least once every 2 weeks)
8. Do more crafts with the kids, (at least once a week)
9. Get pregnant (if possible, more blood work needed)
10. Go thru every box and either toss what's inside or find the contents a home (I don't want boxes laying around the house that never get gone thru)
11. Be happy & content with who I am, (even if that person never has another baby or loses the weight)
I'm with you on #10. I actually have accomplished some of that over our Christmas break and it feels wonderful! Good luck with all your goals!