Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{MJ's Debut via 3d4 U/S}

MJ is growing very well and they estimate her to be close to 6 lbs already (I don't think she's that big yet but like I said they estimated the weight). She is breech and curled up into a nice little ball. As you can tell from the ultrasound images her toes are touching the top of her head and in a few they are touching her nose.

This is the first time I have ever had a 3D4 ultrasound done and what is awesome is that because the boys are in school now, William was able to come and see it with me! You should have seen his face light up as he was showing Ruth the different features of MJ. MJ even has Ruth's nose - it was soo cool!!

I go back in 2 weeks and they will check to see if she has moved into the right position, if she hasn't then they will schedule a c-section more then likely...of course she is going to be my trouble maker for sure. I am not afraid of getting a c-section as I will have to be cut one way or another because I plan on getting a tubal ligation after MJ is born - if a c-section is needed then as soon as MJ comes out then I get the tubal that same day, if I have her vaginally I will have to wait until the next day for it.

Anywho, I am on cloud nine and just enjoying seeing my little MJ and seeing a bit of what she will look like once she is born. One of the things the ultrasound tech and William both noticed was all the hair MJ has - no wonder I am having hearburn! In one of the images you can see how curled up she is...I hope you enjoy!!




1 comment:

  1. Isn't technology amazing? and aren't babies unbelievably flexible?! Too cute!


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