Monday, January 26, 2009

{Thank you}

A big THANK YOU to a dear friend who told me about taking apple cider vinager & water and gargling/drinking it - it really did help my throat. Nasty icky stuff but it really did help. Thank you oodles, I finally have a bit of relief!

I did go to church on Sunday, hoping to find out who I was paired up with for Visit teaching and still don't know. *sigh* BUT I did meet a new member to the ward who is a child photographer from Alaska! I can't wait to get to know her better. We exchanged cards and it will be fun to have someone who shares my photography passion not far from me. YEAH!!! *jumping for joy*

The kids have been doing really well lately. Don't get me wrong they still fight and drive me crazy but lately it really hasn't been bothering me too terribly much. I think I am well on my way to completing one of my resolutions this year of enjoying my kids more - fights and all. (whoever said motherhood was easy, hasn't met my

I found out my insurance will now take debit/credit cards for payment, HURAY!! this means I don't have to wait for the check to clear! I can just use my card to pay him. (it took over a month for my last check to clear and since it's the only check I write out for the month...)

I don't know if I mentioned this or not but I really do enjoy listening to Dave Ramsey & Dr. Laura. (yes, I am a talk radio junkie...sorta)

Dave Ramsey is about helping people get out of debt and doing it fast. It's not a gimic but common sense. He's all about no credit cards & no debt. If you want to get out from under debt I really think you should check him out & his Financial Peace University. It's about living like no one so you CAN live like no one else.

Dr. Laura is about helping people change their perceptive about how to treat one another. Her no nonsense attitude is wonderful. Have you read her book "The proper care and feeding of husbands"? I bought the book because I liked the title, but I read it and it was really good. Full of common sense and the real needs guys have and what they want from their women. Have you read her "10 stupid things..." series of books from 10 stupid things women do to mess up their kids, lives, ect to 10 stupid things guys do to mess up their lives, kids, ect...they are all full of common sense but sometimes when your in the thick of it you forget common sense.

Valentine's day is coming up - what are you planning on doing? Do you spend time with your whole family (kids & such) or do you plan a romantic night with your honey? OR do you just think Valentines is a scheme by the big corporations to make money?

Me, I am hoping to have a party with my kids and friends. Full of crafting, food and lots of fun!

I am working on the valentine day cards for the kids right now. (just wallet size images w/a valentine day theme) & a special valentine for the grandparents. I like to get them done and out the first week in February because then family can enjoy them in time for Valentine's day. Do you create valentines for your kids w/your kids or do you go and buy valentines from the store?

Boy, this year is sure flying, it's already the last week of January! Where did all the days go? Why is it when we are young, days just drag by, but when we get older and older the days fly by in a blink?

Well, enough rambles from me. I need to go get ready for my day because I am going to volunteer for Aaron's class this afternoon. I don't think I am contagious since I don't have a fever anymore. I would hate to give this ickiness to someone else.

Oh, and if you haven't checked out my give-a-way for One World, One Heart, you can check it out HERE.


  1. This month is flying for sure. I can't believe it. Only 11 more months to go and we are in 2010. Wow.

    Have fun in school and show us those cards when done. Vinegar and salt sounds yummy. Not, but if it works, yeah.

  2. I love Dr Laura, and I listen to Clark Howard who also gives financial advice, but haven't heard of Dave Ramsey. I'm going to see if I can find him now though


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